Empathetic Design in Events
Many have said Empathetic Event Design comes from the Producer walking in the participants' shoes; that to truly design and create guest-centric events one must understand and empathize with the human experience. Now, more than ever before, we are in a state where human experience has been turned upside down and the ways in which guests will react to events, changes, surprises and new information has changed.
The research that lays ahead about psychology and the impacts of the pandemic on the human brain will be incredibly interesting and profound. This is why we believe Empathetic Event Design is the future of experiential, and our team is invested for the long-term in studying human behaviours, and the mind.
Check out the Empathy Map by our colleagues at the Event Design Collective. "The Empathy Map is created by XPLANE and helps you and your team to empathize with the stakeholder(s). In the Event Canvas™ methodology, the Empathy Map is used to articulate behaviour." - EDCO
So, what's our take on empathy in event design?
Empathetic Design comes to life when producers set aside personal ego and prioritize the complex mental and emotional states humans go through as part of existing, specifically in unique, unknown environments (events) full of surprises.
Further, designing from an empathetic place enables us as Producers to balance the goals of the client brand with the inherent personal uniqueness of the guest or audience member. This is when we begin to access deeper levels of engagement and openness in the attendee.
What are your strategies for utilizing Empathetic Event Design techniques?
Let’s connect to discuss how empathetic event design can help elevate and strengthen your event ROI.